Thursday, September 18, 2008

Begin With The End In Mind

What would you like speakers to say about your life?
Well i would like them to say that i had some hard times and some
good time and that I was a very good person to know.
What kind of husban, wife, father, or mother would you
like their words to reflect?
To be onest I really don't know but I want it to be good.
What character would you like them to have seen in you?
That i was a respectful, caring, kind, athlatic young man.
What contribution, achievements would you want them to remember?
I would want them to remember that if i can acomplish my goal, so can you even if
it have to take years.
Look carefully at the people around you and in your life. what difference
would you like to have made in their lives?
Hummmmmmmmmmmm................ I don't know

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